Even though we had approximate dates from very start, I would like to announce official dates when DebConf11 will be held in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

DebCamp: 25th – 31st July 2011

DebConf: 1st  – 7th August 2011

We encourage you to arrive one day earlier (24th July for DebCamp, and 31st July for DebConf), final departure date will be 8th August.

Vacation, it’s in our plans to talk to travel agencies, so for those who wanted vacation after DebConf11 as its participants can enjoy shores of Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece by discount prices.

We’re already looking forward your stay on Balkans! 🙂


November 29th Update!

This post is depracted new official dates and information can be found on: DebConf11 final and official dates

November 26th Update!

Even though these dates were supposed to be final, it seems like these dates might be changed. Please stay tuned and let us know what you think on [Debconf-team] Let’s decide DebConf11 final dates.

Once we have decided on final dates “again”, this blog post will be updated and news will appear on Debian news website as official announcement.
