Earlier this year, I talked a lot about making my own Linux distribution, Codename: peacenow (talk), then later on I even posted a Codename: peacenow | open design (ideas, possible design). I put the whole thing on one long “pause”. What happened in the meantime is … well among other things, I changed my “codename” … I even switched to Gnome after KDE4 being what it is.
I really don’t know how to explain this … so breathe with me. I personally see IT in following specters, Graphics/Design/Art, Programming, Networking. But just recently I was put in a position …
Screw this, starting today, I’m actually starting the work on my own Linux distribution. In imperfect world, there’s no perfect linux distributions, they are all visions of various minds, but none of them suiting enough to fill every single void.
My whole life I’ve been “distro hopping”, but in a period of last two years, I changed soo many distributins that’s it’s just … I even managed to change 3 distros in 7 days. Yea, I even managed to get a nickname “distro whore” 🙂
Point being that I really believe that I can make something different. What I know right now is that it’ll definitely be based on Debian. In beginning it may not even look any different then Debian itself, since I’m not even sure I’m forking it or anything … obvious will that it’ll be less stable (no it won’t be another Ubuntu), different name and different philosophy.
But, definitely rest assured that I’ll try to incorporate ideas of these two great men (Ian Murdock and Patrick Volkerding) and take the greatest from two greatest distros out there, Slackware and Debian. Read: Debian for slackers 😛
I’m posting this, just as a remainder that I can look back later on, real why and manifesto will follow soon enough 🙂
Btw, if any of you who reads this wants to help in any possible way! Please do let me know, I need all help I could possibly get! Interested parties please subscribe to havoc-devel mailing list